
Natalia Pinzani Fokeeva

Natalia Fokeeva1

The main topic of Natalia's research is holography, a paradigm of gravity believed to be key in uncovering its quantum nature. In a few words, some theories of gravity can be viewed as quantum field theories in one dimension less, where gravitational forces are absent. Developing a dictionary between the two setups allows us to translate difficult problems on one side to the other and potentially address longstanding puzzles: what is hidden inside a black hole? How is the information paradox resolved? Her main contributions are in the realm of non-equilibrium phenomena such as fluid dynamics. Gravity provides an intuitive geometrical picture and helped to develop a strong understanding of a non-equilibrium quantum field theory framework. This, in turn, guides us through a better formulation of the same features on the gravity side.  Natalia's publications may be found here.
© 2017 Haifa Research Center for Theoretical Physics & Astrophysics (HCTPA), Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Haifa, Mt. Carmel. Haifa 3498838, Israel